So that was the first beginning.....

There were many other beginnings over the years.  it is a fairly well known fact that the fashion business is a merciless churn. Sooner or later the search must be on for the next novelty and indeed we learned this fact during the early 2000s as our designer client felt the need to "move on" to African mud cloth or hand crochet sweaters from battered women or whatever would charm the "season." We however were increasingly entwined with the Cambodian hand weavers in three or four villages and to a lesser degree with some weaving projects in Myanmar. The dilemma was that that we couldn't just "move on" to the next shiny object which was typical within the fashion Industry so after some thoughtful discussion we concluded that marianne should take a stab at designing her own line of clothing using the silks we were developing. This would allow for a great deal of creativity and we jumped in with both feet. This mean't developing fabrics, working with weavers, finding individuals to sew clothing at a very fine level and ultimately staging shows in New York or Paris. (Oh, and having a daughter too) This was very ambitious.